December 2021 Newsletter
Dear member
Covid Update
Sadly, Covid is rearing its head again with its impact currently unclear. Your committee has been carefully considering the implications of the latest government guidance (as at 22 December) on members and the club’s activities. The Covid policy has been updated to reflect this and you should read it in full by following the link. The winter programme will continue as scheduled with requirements for lateral flow tests before all events and vaccination certificates for all indoor overnight events. The policy aims to balance the desire to get out and do stuff whilst recognising and mitigating Covid risks to members and the club. Government guidance may change rapidly in which case the Covid policy will be continually reviewed, so some risk to the programme continues.
Covid Policy (
And they’re off!
The season is off to a great start with good snow from Storm Arwen followed by a cold snap. Several members have been out taking advantage to get their ski legs back in trim. Despite a warmer spell this week, snow has built up in the key areas providing a base for the new year.
Transition, Sgor Gaoith
The first club trip was held on Friday 10 December, with 7 members enjoying great snow on Sgorr Gaoith in Glen Feshie. Trip reports are a great source of info on where to go with multiple reports going back to 2012 stored on the website
Previous Trip Reports (
Club Trip Etiquette
For those new to the club, and as a refresher for existing members, take some time to read how the club operates on trips.
Logistics and accommodation is arranged by a Trip Organiser but, on the hill, all groups are self guided with no leader and you are responsible for your own and others’ safety. Be open about your abilities and contribute to decision making.
Advice to Trip Participants (
Kit and Caboodle
Now where was that kitchen sink?
First time out this year? or ever? Relieve the agony of deciding what to take with you by reading the guidance the club provides. Make a note of what you use on the trip and what you don’t and how you would change it for a similar trip in the future. Your kit list will reflect the trip planning you have done – likely weather, route, snow conditions, duration, daylight hours etc.
Advice on what kit to take (
Seeking Skills?
If, like me, you do the occasional head plank and need a refresher on how to refine your skills, take a look at the videos in the link below. From kick turns to white out nav there is a great deal to see.
Skills videos (

South Side Cairngorm Dec 21
Next Events
Hopefully we’ll get more snow over the Christmas period ready for the next trips which are:
Speyside Day Trip, Tues 28 Dec
Ben Wyvis Day Trip, Sun 2 Jan
Slocht Night Ski Trip, Thurs 6 Jan
Monaliath Magic, Sat 8 Jan
Deesside Destiny, 14-16 Jan
Check on the link for availability.
Upcoming Events Booking (!event-list)
** Contact Your Committee
The committee are currently looking at how our social media presence is best represented by Facebook and if a members WhatsApp group would enable finding ski partners for ad hoc trips. Additional trips are being considered, as many are now booked up, although the current Covid situation may put a brake on this. Let us know your thoughts and if you want the committee to look at anything else.
If you need help or want to get in contact here are the details:
Membership – Rose: (
Trips and Activities – Duncan: (
General – Al Bird: (

Fionn Bhein Jan 21
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
IBSC committee
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