Previous day, weekend and overseas trips run by the club
Geal Chàrn – 19th March 2016
By Max (the dog): I was excited yesterday morning when Helen didn't take me out to the park before breakfast and we left in the van
Previous day, weekend and overseas trips run by the club
By Max (the dog): I was excited yesterday morning when Helen didn't take me out to the park before breakfast and we left in the van
By Mike Cawthorne: ‘Champagne and Powder’ was coined by a budding wordsmith on the committee, a weekend tucked away at a remote hunting lodge in the
We had planned to go to the Fort William Mountain Festival and ski on the hills the day after. We successfully implemented our plan but By Donald Morris. As is the norm for the last weekend in January, storms and severe weather preceded and dominated the forecast. In 2014 By Martyn Crawshaw. Six club skiers headed over to Lecht uplift for a day to practice the free heel telemark bran of backcountry. Helen
By Mike Cawethorn (Pictures: Helen Rennie). On a dark frosty morning you couldn’t have missed the dozen or so folk in the corner of the Inverness
By Mike Cawthorne. I’m not altogether sure why the met office has begun naming storms that sweep these islands. But at least we have someone to
By Calum Munro. With the first snow dump of the winter upon us the backcountry skier’s mind turns to the season ahead each according to
We were once again welcomed by Glenmore Lodge and allowed to use their transceiver park. It really is an excellent resource and available for all
By Donald Morris. We had planned and envisaged many things for this day. The first idea was to use the Scottish Ski Club's hut on