Club news only
Affric Magic 1 – 9th February 2024
Strawberry Cottage has been a favoruite venue for the club for many years now. The hut is owned by the An Teallach mountaineering club and
Club news only
Strawberry Cottage has been a favoruite venue for the club for many years now. The hut is owned by the An Teallach mountaineering club and
As a new member this season, sadly the vagaries of the Scottish winter have resulted in a somewhat inauspicious start. After the abortive Feshie Freshies
Five, we set off, with a mission to ski, To a sheltered spot, near Creag Meagaidh, A tip off it was, from our old pal
Mar Lodge Bunkhouse was the venue for this trip – a spacious converted stable from the old estate allowing comfortable sleeping for our group of
Trip report courtesy of Alasdair Stark. Killin Highland Lodges was a new venue for the 23/24 season. Perfectly located between Killin and the Ben Lawers
A small group of eight club members assembled on Friday evening at the iconic Mar Lodge where our accommodation was in the bunkhouse to
A full house of IBSC members made their way to Loch Ossian on various trains from north and south, all in the end without
A first trip for many as part of the club, the winter skills weekend proved a superb introduction to ski touring as well as a refresher
The sun was shining on a perfect spring morning as we gathered and made our introductions at the Coire Cas Car Park. Cairngorm and
After brief greetings in the darkness of the car park at the road end, all luggage was easily hoovered up by the Volvo Estate