The weather was settled and we had some sunshine and not too much wind. However sadly and inevitably there was not enough snow for ski-ing without a very significant boot-pack for which none of the team in their middle years were prepared to consider.
9 of us met at two very well-appointed cottages on the estate with the privileges of using the estate roads to get ‘nearer’ to mountains. There were 2 of us IBSC representatives (Mairi and Lucy), two members of both clubs ( Angus and Michael) and 5 Eagles ( Ian S, Ian F, Paul, Mark and Diane – sadly one of our IBSC group not being well and able to come. Angus our trip contact had sussed a number of routes and mileages and metres of ascent for us to consider.
Day 1 saw a total of 6 munros and one corbett climbed by 8 of us – some bike assisted to Lochan na h-Earba . Here we met the hydro-scheme developers and heard about the plans to flood the valley and increase the water level by 20 metres. It’s in for planning now – tricky. It is a glorious loch under the Arverikie wall.
Day 2 saw some indecision about the previous nights’ plan to all go up Ben Alder. In the event only 4 of us went ( 2 did Ben Alder and the others Beinn Bheoil too) and had a day of scrambling and winter mountaineering up the Long Leachas. It turned out to be surprisingly snowy and wild up there on the plateau and was a big day out! Mairi and Lucy came off the west ridge on a compass bearing and walked a long way back down the path along the Bealach Dubh. The group shelter was good to hide in on the plateau over lunch. The others headed up the Fara and explored the Dirc Mhor which sounds a fascinating place.
Day 3 was a better weather day so Ian S, Ian F and Angus went up Ben Alder and had a great day with grand views ( I am not jealous) but again found quite a lot of snow on the plateau and during the scramble. Our corbett collector Michael went and did two corbets ( not adjacent or nearby) and Paul climbed another munro south of loch laggan. Mairi and Lucy recovered their muscles in the river pattack (very brief)
The evenings were convivial , the food was well planned by Angus and we all had a good time. 8munros and 3 corbets were summited over the 3 days – not bad going but then the weather was pretty good in the main ( except when up Ben Alder on day 2).
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